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I utilize a telehealth platform that is integrated into my client portal system called Therapy Appointment.  Therapy Appointment telehealth is similar to Zoom but is HIPPA-compliant and therefore a totally secure video service for online sessions.



Creating a log-in and password:

About Telehealth Therapy

You will receive an initial email that contains a link to set up your profile in my client portal via Therapy Appointment. This first email might go to your junk/spam file, so look there if you don't see it in your inbox. This link will take you to the website where you will create a login name and password and fill out your intake paperwork.  It is a quick and user friendly process and it is free of cost.


If you lose or forget your password the easiest way to retrieve it is to click “forgot password” on the login page.


Setting your time zone:


After you've logged into the client portal you will be able to edit personal information, update insurance and payment information and sign or view any forms we have discussed.  You will see a section that allows you to set your time zone. The default for the client portal is PDT. If you’d like your emails to indicate your time zone, you can update it. Common US time zones are:


EDT- America/New York
CDT- America/Chicago
MDT- America/Denver
PDT – America/Los Angeles



Logging into telehealth sessions:


You can join our telehealth sessions by logging into your client portal account.  Your client profile will list your appointment details with a blue "Launch" button that is highlighted only on the scheduled day of your appointment. Clicking that "Launch" button will take you directly to the session waiting room page and I will join shortly after you. 


Therapy Appointment has its own app and it is recommended to download the app for the best experience.  However, you do not need to download the Therapy Appointment app to use the telehealth platform.  When you launch a session, you can simply opt to open the session in your internet browser. 


If you do opt to download the app, you will not log into our sessions from it directly.  You will always access our sessions from your profile in my Therapy Appointment client portal.  Clicking the launch button will take you into the app.


The portal has a comprehensive support tab which can further answer any questions.  I can also provide you with a downloadable pdf document that provides more information.



Some tips for the best telehealth experience:


Keep in mind that when using telehealth, the more bandwidth you have available, the better your connection will be.


If you’re planning on using a phone or tablet, connecting to Wi-Fi will vastly improve the session. Hotspots can be used but the connection will not be as strong and you may get more pixilation, screen freezes, or dropped sessions. More bandwidth is always better.


If you’re sharing in a space such as a home or hotel where lots of streaming videos is the norm, or if you have multiple family members using your home internet at one time, that could impact your sessions.  The fewer people using your internet at the time of our session, the better our connection will be.


Disconnections may occur. If we get disconnected, I’ll restart the session on my side. I recommend that you do the same.  If you don’t see me in a few minutes, go back to portal login page and click the blue"Launch" button again on your side. I will call you if more than five minutes has elapsed in our connection.


A gentle reminder: Please do note that telehealth is most effective when you do your best to simulate the office session as it would be if your were seeing me in-person.  Putting your phone and other devices away, turning off notifications and sitting in a quiet, private setting with as little distraction as possible will enable us to make the most of the therapy sessions.  You will have my undivided attention and will benefit the most if you are able to give your undivided attention as well. If you have any questions about telehealth, please feel free to ask during the initial consultation so that we can set your sessions up for success.

© 2021 Stacey Bona, Psy.D, C.N.C.

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